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Virtual Incubator

Příjem žádostí pro rok 2023 je aktuálně pozastaven!

When you are starting a new project, founding a company, you don’t want to have a seat at your permanent address and use your own office. We offer you a solution in the form of virtual incubation, which includes the following services:

  • Headquarters at the address in the center of Zlín 
  • Reception services – possibility of using a printer, copier, scanner 
  • Mail collection and storage
  • Information services – provision of information on current business support tools 
  • Incubation program – regular evaluation of the company’s development – facilitation of the action plan 
  • Consultancy and help in finding investors, etc. 
  • Education – possibility to participate in all TIC events 
  • Discounts on meeting rooms
  • Cafe and restaurant right in the building

The virtual incubator is co-financed by the Zlín Region.

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